Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Information Security Network Technology â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Information Security Network Technology? Answer: Introduction: A common method of enhancing the business processes is to identify the needs and apply better technologies to help facilitate the enhancement in efficiency of the business involved. The aim of this report is to find out about the effectiveness of the information and network security and to find out the risks and threats involved in the application of these technologies. The report also discusses the various social or legal concerns with the acceptance of these technologies into the business. The information and network security not only refers to the attacks by the different viruses or malware but also includes the promotion of general awareness among the employees of an organization to ensure the survival of the system. The term information security, network, and computer security are often used in the same way but their differences lie in the methods used to conduct the processes. This report includes an analysis of the different technologies present in the information and network technologies. The basic technologies to be discussed are the big data, cloud computing and the hardware authentication methods. All these methods will be clearly depicted along with their implications in the system concerned. The organization that needs to actualize these administrations is 5 years of age. It is mainly concerned with the conduction of business applications in the region of data and system security perspectives. The business customers are essentially arranged in Australia and incorporate small to large organizations. The organization takes project to develop small applications or modify the commercial systems available from other vendors. Moreover, the organization expects to work together in different areas of ICT too and in this way tries to actualize alternate branches in information and network securities. This will facilitate better business operations and will help them to recognize the various aspects of the business in terms of the information and the network security. Discussion: This section of the report references the main section, which will be used to demonstrate the various technologies concerned. The organization that wants to implement these services is 5 years old. It is mainly concerned with the conduction of business applications in the area of information and network security aspects. The business clients are mainly situated in Australia and include small to large organizations. The organization takes a project to develop small applications or modify the commercial systems available from other vendors. However, the company aims to do business in other sectors of ICT as well and thus tries to implement the other branches of security in Information and network security. Definitions: The information and network security not only refers to the attacks by the different viruses or malware but also includes the promotion of general awareness among the employees of an organization to ensure the survival of the system (Jianwei et al., 2016). The term information security, network, and computer security are often used in the same way but their differences lie in the methods used to conduct the processes. This is usually associated with the harmful activities or destruction of the system. The information security is mainly concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and the availability of the data. However, the network security is used to determine the protection levels associated with the transmission of data in a network. Network security is mainly concerned with the security involved in the transmission of data. Requirements: The technologies involved helps in the operation of the business in many ways. These various sectors in an organization can be improved by the adoption of the correct technologies in the required aspects of the business. Due to the risks of operation of manual labor, the requirements automated technologies are preferred. The major area where the integration of technologies is preferred includes the customer management, analytical development and competitive aspects (Raiyn, 2014). Overview: Due to information and network securities, the use of these technologies is being constantly updated so that various malfunctioned practices are addressed. As the users of these practices are constantly improving their standards, the various businesses are to implement enhanced security to address the impacts. Information security applications: The information security is a major requirement as the need for protection of the data is very important. The information associated is to be protected to ensure the confidentiality, availability and the integrity of the present information. This is the main reason for the various emerging applications of the information security, which is being implemented in nearly all aspects of industries. Fig 1: CIA diagram for information security (Source: Chang et al., 2015) The first application of the information security is the need for authentication. Authentication is a process, which uses the encryption of the main user credentials. This helps in providing access to the system to only the user with matching criteria. However, the presence of various activities on the internet has confirmed that even an encrypted option is not safe and the need for a better solution is required. To implement such services, the new application is the authentication improvement by using hardware components (Chang et al., 2015). This application helps the encryption of the information and storage in the hardware components of the concerned user. This new method is currently being applied in the solutions of existing technologies of Intel. The new sixth generation process Core vPro is used to combine the enhancement applications of the hardware integration and encryption. The main factors that will be provided by the processor include a variety of factors to authenticat e the validity of the user information. The main process of this application will be based on three parameters only. These include the password, username and a token with a unique identification. Hardware authentication is particularly necessary in case of applications in the internet of things technology (IOT). The next application of the information security is the analytical information of user data. This technology uses the common technology known as big data. This is used to get insights on the behavior of the users in the system regarding their behavior. As an organization is always involved in many users on their websites, it often becomes necessary to get insights about the behavior of them. This helps the system to show the relevant information depending on their behavior. These aspects are used to keep track of the system. In cases of anomalous behavior in the system, a red flag is detected in the system and the concerned authorities become highly suspicious of their activities and take preventive measures (Chang et al., 2015). This technology compares the past behavior of the users and compares it to the present behavior to detect the presence of anomalies in the system. In addition, the use of peer analysis is also enabled where the usage of the system with respect to the other t ypes of people in the same aspect is compared. The next topic of discussion is the cloud technology. This technology is used to provide the implementation of the cloud infrastructure in the existing technologies. Due to this implementation, the existence of hardware, software and the firewall have been integrated into the cloud. The main functions of the cloud architecture are the provisions of remote access, which allows the user to get access inside the system from another location (Kim Cha, 2012). The level of security is also high in these sections. The critical success factors for the cloud adoption are the need for understanding the cloud components and the personnel. The information of the right people for the business and the service provider is another factor for success. These techniques are present in both the Australian and the other countries as well. Cloud Central is the first cloud provider in Australia whereas the IBM does its operation in the whole world. Applications of these services: The services discussed include the hardware authentication, cloud computing, and big data. In addition, to the enhanced features and up gradation, the solutions provided must be cost effective and easy to use to provide simple solutions to the ongoing users (Xu, 2012). Hardware authentication: The main use of these technologies in business is the ease of access and transactions. The organization involved wants to upgrade their existing services to increase their point of work in other aspects of ICT. Due to this, the need for certain requirements is necessary. The organization now needs to have integrated service options. The main uses of the authentication are that the services are not easily hampered by the presence of external or internal factors (Kim Cha, 2012). Due to the increasing contents of payment related frauds in the network, the need for authentication is a necessity. The organization involved will do business in an effective way. The next application is the secure access. The process allows the presence of authenticated users to the system only. This facilitates the need for encryption in the system to give security. As the organization will be involved in upgrading the system, the concern for unauthorized entry to the system will be there (Wohlgemuth et al., 2014). Big data: Due to the application of big data technologies in the organization involved, the analytics will be more used to develop the prospects needed. As the organization is involved in the development of new sectors, the need for outperforming their competitors is important to stay in business. This causes the need for advanced analytical tools to be used (Von Solms Van Niekerk, 2013). In addition, the organization will be involved in more customer acquisition from their new services. The need for knowing the growing trends in the customer behavior will be known by the analytics provided like the amount of time they spend on the website or the ads they engage or the link they are used to enter. After analyzing the analytics, the web presence will be enhanced by applying the analyzed solutions from these aspects (Wohlgemuth et al., 2014). In addition, the risk management and analysis will also be done by big data. Due to the presence of predictive data in the system, the economic and the social aspects of the system will be analyzed. This helps in better risk management and helps the organization to analyze the threats present to address them beforehand (Von Solms Van Niekerk, 2013). Lastly, the data collection methods are a new way to get information and this is used to create new revenue systems. Many companies pay for getting their ads to people based on this information, which creates the chances of growth in the concerned organization (Kim Cha, 2012). This will also help in the prosperity of the concerned organization. Cloud computing: The main benefits in the use of cloud computing are the increased efficiency and the ease of access that is deployed from the adopted system. The first advantage is the agility in business operations. Due to the start of the new operations in the organization, the authorities involved will need to implement quicker services to make up for the loss of time and resources. This is the reason for implementing the quick nature of cloud access (Sun et al., 2013). Due to the implementation of new services, the company involved can make up new sectors working for providing cloud services. This creates a new structure for revenue generation in the existing services. Lastly, the capital expense is reduced because of less maintenance of the infrastructure required (Crossler et al., 2013). As the presence of requirements will be operated through the integration in the cloud, the need for the presence of physical structures is reduced which decreases the total capital expenditure. Disadvantages: The main disadvantages of these technologies are the high cost of deployment. In addition, the employees are to be given training in these aspects to work in these surroundings. This also increases the cost required which goes to a very high level (Sun et al., 2013). Moreover, the vendors to get the software are to be researched as the market is filled with fraudsters. These are the main disadvantages of these technologies, which are to be addressed before implementing Conclusion: The report concludes from the findings that the information security technologies are used to address the requirements of the concerned organization. Moreover, the advantages of these technologies are sufficient to address the required needs of the organization. However, these technologies come with many factors and risk that are to be considered before proceeding with the adoptions. The significance of the analysis is that thought the disadvantages poses a threat to the organization, the advantages that it creates can lead to much growth in the upcoming years. The analysis of the various technologies done in the report is used to find that the use of certain discussed technologies can be used to strengthen the operations of the organizations concerned. Big data, cloud computing and hardware authentication is the most basic of the technologies and if the organization needs to succeed in the market, they need to associate with the wider scope of the advantages that can be leveraged fr om their application in the respective sectors present in the business. The use of them along with the various implications regarding their uses can be addressed by the adoption of proper measures that will be helpful in the end. The report also includes an analysis of the recommendations that should be used in the associated systems. The main recommendations are discussed because the authorities concerned with the changes in the system by adopting these technologies, need to consider the various problems beforehand so that the process of development do not pose threat and stop to a halt. These recommendations will facilitate better business operations and will help them to recognize the various aspects of the business in terms of the information and the network security. In this way, the main aspects and the requirements in the up gradation of the business will be analyzed and to receive more output from the business in the required prospect. Recommendations: Thus, it is recommended for the organization to install these technologies for effective business solutions. However, the basic question is the need for commercial systems or developed systems. In case of commercial systems, the third party vendors are to store the cloud architecture and the concerned organization will do their operation remotely. This is the main problem as the information is to be shared with these third party vendors. This creates a feeling of unease in the ethical minds of the business authorities. The business needs to analyze the impacts on the ethical considerations regarding the decisions made. In case the software vendor is chosen, the company will be required to share their information with the vendors else, the cost of deployment for the system in case of designing of their own application will be another impact on the revenue of the company. Moreover, in cases of unavailability of the vendors due to business failures or other reasons, the organization related to them will have a direct impact on their system, as all the information will be lost. These aspects are to be considered before the final implementation. 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